Friday, November 14

Doggy Smiles

Our favorite son has many names. Cooper, Pooh, Boo Boo, Little Face and even Senior Farty Pants.

He is a big dog in a little dog body. Right now I am watching him patrol his patch of land in our back yard. He is like a little sentry, watching the perimeter, sniffing out all lizards and making sure they know he will kill them if they drop their guard.

I particularly like it when he "reads the newspaper," - as Matt calls it - by sitting on the hill and smelling the breeze. He is like a little King checking on all of his subjects.

He has a doggy posse too. His boxer pal, Fergus, lives a few doors down. Fergus is like a knight. He gets to roam much further into the undeveloped land behind our place and brings news of feral cats and the birds of prey that live in a big man-made nest that we can see. Max is a schnauzer that lives the other way down the block. Max has a nice older lady owner who walks him around the neighborhood so he is like a greybeard advisor with news from the townspeople. There is also a beautiful old border collie who lives close but doesn't venture out much. There are two other schnauzer and a pomeranian named Felix who live katty-corner to us. That is a neighboring kingdom and there is usually a lot of barking and demands when we venture by their place. Cooper takes it all in stride and prances through as if he doesn't notice the noise.

Yeah... Dogs are cool.

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1 comment:

Samm said...

I LOVE the one of him looking at the ocean! :-D