Sunday, March 18

Stage Managers of Utah

Angi Weiss-Brandt-AEA ASM (Summer) SM Mousetrap (Fall)
Jamie Sullivan-Admin SM/Greenshow SM/REACH coordinator
Mark Sahba-SM King Lear/Matchmaker
Nykol DeDreu-SM Tenor/Art
Becky Merold-SM Candida/Twelfth Night
Karen Wegner-SM Coriolanus/Tempest
Erin Albrecht-ASM Coriolanus/Tenor/Tempest
Debbie Merrill-ASM Lear/Matchmaker/Art
Jennifer Bobbitt-ASM Candida/Twelfth Night
Kirsten D'Agostaro-PA Adams/Art/Tempest
Becca Fischer-PA Randall/SM New plays/PA Mousetrap
???-Admin/GS PA/Admin SM fall/ASM Mousetrap

Amanda W. took a job at Great River Shakes as an SM.


Anonymous said...

Wow.... I love how everything is filled except my PA, guess no one is crazy enough to want that position! =)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Jamie, I would totally be your PA, but I've already been claimed for the summer. Hope they find you someone!