Wednesday, September 21


Holy crap ~~

It's like someones wardrobe exploded into the house....

And they brought kitchen supplies and books and and and...


I finally got the dining room looking like you could eat in it.

Why is it that the table closest to the door becomes the repository for all the worlds junk? Do we really need the past 5 issues of PC World? Does the dog's leash have to sit on the table? What about the mail.... oh I could go on and on.

Someone left all her new clothes hanging over a chair in that dining room...

(and that someone is WAY OVER age 7)

But Kenzie left stuff there too. A bag of things from Grandma's house sitting on the chair I used as a hanger.


How unorganized can one family be???

(okay I know I am a lot more Martha Stewart-y than most - - hey I LIKE having my dining room table set for entertaining!!! I am my mothers daughter after all.)

Anyway next I am moving on to the living room, which isn't so bad because hubby likes to stretch out in there so he tries to leave the clutter to the aforementioned and ever suffering dining room,

My office is a towering mess of Things That Need To Be Filed.

on a fantastic side note - - my birth certificate arrived in the mail the other day! Cozumel here I come!!!!!!!


Did I mention that I am allergic to Coldwater Tide? Yeah I found out over the summer as my Utah pals can tell you. I am still trying to get all the Tide out of my clothes.


OKay I just needed to write some things down to try and get back into this groove again.

I have lots of things to talk about....don't worry you voyuers.


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