Sunday, January 18


Angi - Smoke free and Healing for Nine Days, 20 Hours and 11 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 197 cigarettes.

Wii Fit strength training is HARD. My thigh muscles are so sore I can hardly stand it. Friggin' lunges and planks. Dude. But I guess it's good huh? It made me sweat AND now it hurts. Just like a real workout. I have managed to get the holiday weight off but the quitting smoking weight is a lot more stubborn. Oh, and there is all that fat on me too. Ahhh well, I will keep it up and maybe there will be more results.

We cleaned the garage today! Matt can fit his truck in again! YAY! We have a truckload of things to donate to the Goodwill. Hooray for tax write-offs and getting rid of things we no longer need. But mostly... hooray for organization. Hey, I am a stage manager..... I crave organization....what can I say?
Free Blinkies


Jay said...

Yay, Ang! I heart you!!

Anonymous said...

Girl I feel you!
We have a date with our garage!
