Tuesday, February 10

A response to John McCain's lack of understanding.

I got this message on Facebook today:

Today, John McCain said: “$50 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts — all of us are for the arts,” McCain said. “Tell me how that creates any significant number of jobs?"

Please tell him about your job:


Dear John--

I understand you are not aware of how funding for the arts creates jobs. So, I'd like to tell you what I do for a living. I am a...

Thank you so much for asking what I do.


Here is the letter I sent....

Dear Senator McCain,

I understand you are not aware of how funding for the arts creates jobs. So, I'd like to tell you what I do for a living. I am a Stage Manager. My job is to make sure everything happens during the production. Without me the lights will not go, the sounds will not happen, the set will not move, no one will be dressed and the actors will not enter.

In any given production I have a crew of at least 5 and upwards of 50 working under me to make the show run. This does not include the actors, the ushers, or the concessions people who work to make sure you have a good time while attending our production.

I am saddened to hear you do not believe we need more funding for the arts. I am saddened that you do not understand how giving money to the NEA can create more jobs.

Due to cuts in funding, the theatre I have worked in for the past 9 years has to cut 45-60 jobs this season. That $50 million could help give some of those people back their jobs. Additionally, the more money we have, the larger the production we can put on. We can do a musical with a cast of 50 instead of a straight play with a cast of 4. Larger shows mean larger scenery, more lights and costumes -- hence the need for more people. This is where the creation of new jobs comes in!

Saying you support the arts and actually doing it are two different things.

Thank you so much for asking what I do. I hope my note has helped you to understand how $50 million in funding for the Nation Endowment of the Arts can, in fact, create more jobs.


AEA Stage Manager


Anonymous said...

No sensible artist can argue that funding for the NEA has fallen dramatically short (no pun intended), which does need to be addressed in the future. However, this agenda has no place in a stimulus "jobs bill" (that is what the chosen one calls it, yes?). Giving money to the arts isn't going to mean shit if there are not butts in the seats. We do not do this art to serve ourselves, but to serve our audience. If they cannot afford to go to the theater then we have no purpose. Entertainment spending is the first cut that every family makes in hard fiscal times. Disney knows it and you know it.

This bill and our leaders have lost focus in this orgy of spending. This 50 million you speak of, plus the millions allocated for the prevention of STDs, re sodding the National Mall, and other "special projects" are all worthwhile ideas. STDs are bad, the arts are underfunded, the National Mall is covered in goose shit. No one can argue that, but these issues have absolutely nothing to do with creating a substantial number jobs, raising the GDP, or instilling confidence in our financial systems.

Have we already forgotten what this bill is really supposed to be about? This bill should not be a vehicle for pumping cash into every pet project that has been dreamed up in the last 20 years. These are putting Band-Aids on knife wounds. Sure you might get the bleeding to stop but there are massive internal injuries left to fester.

We are standing against this bill not to foil the plans of the Chosen One, and not for partisan solidarity but because we see it for what it is, a flawed hail mary of a plan that needs fixed. We are not trying to crush it but instead focus it on address the issue at hand.

The NEA needs help, but who dosen't? The fact is that increasing funding for the NEA does nothing to get the audience back in the seats. Senator McCain understands all to well. We all need to take a step back. educate ourselves, and gain a humble patriotic perspective.

For those that matter, you know who this is and I have nothing but love in my heart for you.

Anonymous said...

What? No post for my comment? Don't tell me you share the same stranglehold on fairness and perspective with today's crap mainstream media.

-The Black Rider

AngiGrrrl said...

Hey Anonymous Black Rider -

I just got home, give me a minute. My life doesn't revolve around this blog and moderating the comments posted here!

Of course your thoughts get to be published. I already told you I still respect you even though we have different opinions.


Unknown said...

The Arts=JOBS

5.7 million jobs
100,000 Non-Profit Organizations
612,000 Arts Centric Businesses
4.3% of all American Businesses
$29.6 Billion in Tax revenues
$166.2 Billion Total Economic Impact

Keep support for arts jobs in the economic recovery bill.

See the original image: