Friday, March 10

Matty got me an early birthday present!

Check it out - Matty got me my own domain!


Hey speaking of birthday's - - mine is coming up in just few weeks and so is Matty's...... we are going to have a's the question to you people who are in town..... the best day to have it would be Easter night (Sunday, April 16)......would you - - - could you come that night????!!!????

Our only other choice would be Monday, April 10....I KNOW! It's a MONDAY!!!!!!

Let me know? PUH-lease!



Melissa said...

either day is good for me, because i'll have off the same days you do and that is a very cool present! =P

Jamie m said...

I would come easter Sunday!!! Can I Bring a Pinata?

Judie said...

Monday's are probably bad for Z cause he normally has Monday meetings. Therefore, Sunday would be best for us :0)

Anonymous said...

Hey Angie,
I'm game for when ever you decide to celebrate. Let me know when and if I can help with anyhing.
