Saturday, January 12

AYLI is NOT cursed...

Yeah so the Scottish play is next up at Orlando Shakes. You know how I know? All the crazy stuff that has been happening to my show (As You Like It) while that OTHER show is in design meetings.

What has happened, you ask?

Well some weird stuff like the huppa (marriage canopy with lanterns) fell in a freak accident. As it was being flown out the electrical wiring somehow touched the aircraft cable it hung from causing an arc that cut through the cable sending a lantern hurtling towards the stage (and our Rosaline who was passing by underneath.) in a shower of sparks. The plastic connector chain held and the lantern stopped about 8' above the ground. (whew)

The connector bar for the smoker's doors came out on its own and tried to hit me in the head. It missed though.

The house lights flashed wildly during the talk back yesterday. (Yes I know this is an ongoing problem but this is MY story, people)

ASM Andrea got hit in the middle of the forehead with the trap and has a nice bruise.

Touchstone (Brad DePlanche) cut his foot open on a piece of hardware embedded in the stage. Then the next day he managed to find an earring (he thought it was a shard of glass) stuck in his foot. SAME FOOT, SAME SPOT.

I got locked out of the booth at intermission during opening last night.

But now for the scary moment. The night before we opened as Orlando, Rosaline and Celia were driving home they were n an accident. A dumb ass in a pickup truck dropped his soda can and reached down to pick it up. He rear ended my actors while they were waiting to turn into their parking lot. He was going 40 miles an hour. Rosaline and Celia went to the hospital and were released at 3:30 am. The girls went home, slept for a while then made the decision to do their 10:30a show as well as opening night. (I KNOW!!!! Are they amazing or what???) They are stiff and sore with some bruises and some whiplash but they were amazing and the show is awesome.

Anyway, these were the things I could think of that have happened. Silly OTHER show, I blame it for making strange things happen in my show. Now I am open and hopefully nothing too nutty will happen in the future.

(Yes I know I normally am not superstitious but this is a bit out of control.....)

Anyhow, we are up an running and the show is SOOOOOO beautiful. Come see it.


1 comment:

shanimalee said...

Run. Run far, run fast. All my best wishes for the rest of the run-BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!