Monday, January 12

Quitting smoking can kill you

I hate this emotional roller coaster that nicotine fits put me on. Shouting, bitching, crying and being awake a lot more. I don't know why that happens but I find myself awake no more than 7 hours after I go to sleep.

I am getting really annoyed at things I can't control. Things that normally don't bother me, like the fact that Debbie never returns my calls or answers her phone. Now I am pissed that I have tried to call her 8 times in the past 30 days to no avail. Whatever.

Here is my little quit counter's take on me.

Angi - Free and Healing for Three Days, 7 Hours and 15 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 5 Hours, by avoiding the use of 66 cigarettes that would have cost me $15.06.

So why don't I feel happy and healthy? I have gained 3 lbs. too. Nice. I just love that my already fat ass is going to get bigger before this is all over. Yes, I am exercising, BACK OFF! If one more well meaning person tells me to get out there and sweat...... well I might rip that person's brain out through their nose. (I know, not a good description but its the best I can come up with before the coffee is done brewing.)

And no, I am not breathing easier! It takes a few weeks for the ugly, hacking, smoker's cough to go away. I am only on day 3.

Day 3 of the rest of my life......


Ok it's not as bad as I make it out to be. Or at least in this paragraph I am not feeling as angry as I was up there near the top of the blog. - -

Oh good, coffee is done.


Skinner Family said...

You can do it! I'm so proud of you! I know it is a tough habit to break but I know that you are so strong! Thanks for making me smile!

Anonymous said...

Oooo no mama!
You're soooo brave!
I'm proud of you!
Keep up the good work!
Does coffee help?