Thursday, July 21

Because we are crazy....

Sadly, a lot of the Usual Suspects have left us for greener pastures.

We hadn't had a chance to do any camping as a group because of of our mismatched work schedules, so we decided to go on opening night.

I got off work at midnight on Saturday night, ran home, got ready, went to the opening night party for about an hour and then we took off for Kolob Resivior. Kolob is this lake formed by a glacier that is way the hell up near Zion at about 10,000 feet or so.

We got lost as hell and didn't arrive until about 4:30 am. We woke everyone up (yes, they were mad!) and then created general mayhem for a few hours with Cooper barking at a rock and Ben turning into a tree....

We got the fire going again and everyone got comfortable. Dawn was begining to break...

In celebration of the impending day, Zak and Debbie decided she needed a drink (look at the time stamp on that photo!!!!!!!)

Lorenzo took a nap and then got back up around 6:30 am. Luckily he had decided he wasn't mad at us anymore for car headlights and general loudness at 4:30am. He and Zak went off to fish.

We chilled out and had some breakfast.

We enjoyed watching our neighbors and their odd ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) culture.

Everyone took naps on and off for most of Sunday.(Cooper got covered in tree sap!)

Todd and Joleen turned up later in the day and we all made a late lunch.

What a fun but insane couple of days.

Sorry I didn't get any opening night photos. I did get the address of some on yahoo, though (THANKS LESLEY AND MARK)

DON"T FORGET REACH AUCTION THIS SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What Angi didn't say was that Lorenzo caught the only fish in the whole damn lake, and I was this close to not coming back from the woods altogether. Bring me cigarettes and beer and I'll be fine.