Wednesday, May 11

We made it through the first week!

Wow I forgot how beautiful Utah really is. I am living in a building that faces a mountain. (Okay there are some buildings in the way, but I can still see it, damn it!) It is so different from Florida. It’s like being on a different planet!

So rehearsals have started and we are off and running. I am freaking tired because we finished casting Camelot last night at about 12:30p and I had a Safety Meeting this morning at 9:00 am! Grrrrrr! There should be a rule that if you have been to that meeting at least 5 times, you get a year off! (Did I mention this is my 6th time going to the meeting???) The Safety Meeting is when we (re)learn how to work a fire extinguisher and important things like how to dispose of oily rags and when the waste paint pick up day is……

Hopefully we will have Internet at home on Tuesday. Then I will be able to post some photos for you all.

Our darling BONK had a Cinco de Mayo party at his place (an apartment complex down the street). It was the first party of the season. Yeah-- he got in big trouble for it. Seems that his neighbors didn’t appreciate noise after 10:00 pm on a Thursday night! Yeah, we should NEVER FORGET that we are in the middle of Mormon country.

On the other hand, Jamie and I had a going away party for Carey Lawless (our boss - - oh how we will miss her!!!!!!!) at our place on Saturday night that went on until 3:30 am and not a peep from anyone. Ahhh the perks to living in a complex owned by the Festival.

Okay well I should end this. I promise I will do my best to keep up with this blog during the build. (“The build” is a generic term for the time before we open the shows to the public.) However, I have already started working 10-14 hour days, so I will only promise to DO MY BEST. ((If you want to know what’s up with me - -call for freak’s sake))

REMEMBER - - taking the Lord’s name in vain is worse in Utah than saying fuck!

Love and kisses.


More later on the subjects of:
Our Founder, Fred Adams
The desert
The fact that everyone is afraid that we are gong to have a huge flood
And how said flood will effect my apartment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it through the first week! Reading about the snow made me glad I am not there as I sit with the door open b/c at 9AM it's already 70. But I can't wait to visit!! Thanks again for the site, makes the first summer away a little easier.
Samm :)