Tuesday, February 8

Fat, Fat Tuesday

Yeah okay well hooray for Mardi Gras.

New Orleans Online

Yeah, I am not that enthusiastic about it because I will not be in fun, exciting "Nawlins." Sure, sure, I will be in Orlando, it's warming up, blah blah blah....

oh.... yeah......I could go to the Mardi Gras we put on at Universal.


Toiuristy Orlando is great, for tourists. Being here for 5 years makes me almost not a transient....so I don't go to those places. Okay, I would if I could afford it, I admit...but I digress.....

Wait...I guess I don't have a point. What the hell?

Super Cooper Licky Poo

is recovering nicely from his surgery yesterday. He had 3 baby teeth pulled and he was *ahem* neutered. Now I know we talked about breeding him and all, but it seems that he had a rescinded testicle and it would be more comfortable for him to have the ol' nip and tuck. So we consented. When I picked him up he was still sleepy and he screamed when I put him in the car. Yeah, my eardrums were ringing!!!

Today he has asked me to play fetch and has even played outside. Man, little ones can sure bounce back. This is his second surgery. Before we got him he had 2 hernias repaired.

ANYhow, he'll be fine fine fine.

Yes, JAMIE M. (a.k.a. Thing 1 (or A depending on how you look at it)) I have food saved a bunch of SHIT!!! I made 20 quarts of beef stew. Yes, really. I am still in the process of freezing all of it. Seriously people, get a FoodSaver it freaking ROCKS.

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