Saturday, March 29

Auditions for Gary Musick Company

LIVE AUDITIONS for Gary Musick Company

NYC Ripley-Greer Studios April 21&22

London Pineapple Studios April 28 & 29

(these audition dates are for the Norwegian JADE--"Smokey Joe's Cafe" etc) This ship will have 4 book shows on it - meaning actual theater and not JUST musical reviews.

Tentative general audition in Vancouver, BC on June 1st. Stay tuned for more info!

Prepare a ballad and an up-tempo selection in the styles that best represent your vocal ability.
You may be asked to sing selections from some of our shows (music available at the audition).
A pianist (please have sheet music in your key) and CD/cassette player will be provided.
Singers may be asked to return for a callback to include dance movement.
Please bring a picture and resume or C.V.

Our choreographer will teach challenging combinations including jazz, tap and modern.
Please bring a picture and resume or C.V.

If you are unable to attend an audition, you may apply by video.
Here is what we will be looking for in your video:

Singers should include both a ballad and an up-tempo. Our shows range from Broadway standards to contemporary and classic pop to operatic arias, so a selection from any of those genres is appropriate. Clips of past performances are welcome. Performance energy and “sell” are also reviewed.

Dancers should demonstrate an excellent grasp of dance performance from basic fundamentals to difficult combinations. All styles of dance are incorporated into our shows, particularly jazz, ballet and tap. Demonstration of basics such as jetes, pique turns, split leaps, chaine turns, and battements are critical. Tap is also a required skill. Specialty work such as pointe work, adage and tumbling are also very desirable. Clips of past performances are welcome, but please avoid submissions that are solely comprised of competition work. Performance energy, personality and “sell” are also reviewed. Recommended maximum length of video is 5 minutes.
Please send a non-returnable videotape (VHS preferred), CDV or DVD with picture and resume or C.V. to:
885 Elm Hill Pike
Nashville, TN, USA, 37210
Further inquiries can be made at:

Monday, March 17

Some sad news

Hello all,

Here is a link to Ted's obituary.

I think most of you know this by now, but just in case you have not heard yet...

Ted Jensen passed away in his sleep on Friday night/Saturday morning. Kate G. (aka Katie bear) called me on Sunday morning and asked me to pass the word along. Sally called Noah, who called Kate. Noah did not have any more details. I am sure our local Cedar family knows more about what is going on, funeral arrangements, etc.

We all have our memories of Ted. I remember a lot of things about him but what I choose to remember most is how he helped Karen rebuild after the flood. He helped with removal of all the waterlogged stuff, the dry wall, the carpet, the tons of STUFF that got wet. He and the rest of the Carps organized that benefit in the park to help raise money for repairs.

Take a moment to think of Ted and Sally. Call or email if you can.

And for God's sake take care of yourselves! I love you all.